Freight between the United Kingdom and the United States | Rates – Delays – Customs clearance – Taxes

The commercial interaction between the United Kingdom and the United States is significant and dynamic. The two countries have had a long-standing commercial connection, which grew stronger after World War II. The United States is the United Kingdom's greatest commercial partner, and commerce between the two nations has increased dramatically over the years. The development of this sector has relied heavily on sea and air transport. Indeed, sea and air freight are the most efficient and cost-effective ways to transport products between the United Kingdom and the United States. In this post, we will look at the trends and benefits of freight between the United Kingdom and the United States.

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Exploring Business Opportunities with Chat GPT: applied to the Supply Chain Management

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) are technologies that are certified to improve their supply chain management processes. 

The most promising system for its usage rate is AI ChatGPT, for its hyper artificial language model by OpenAI. With ChatGPT, the technology system will be explored in the improvement of companies' supply chain management, but also supplier information.

At DocShipper we help companies manage their supply chain through our various shipping and logistics services! Get more details about the use of AI ChatGPT in supply Chain through our article. Let's dive in ! 

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How to invent a product that sells? What beginners need to know?

Product development can be difficult, involving collaboration with bright, creative people, but if done correctly, it has the potential to be lucrative. Just as there are failed products, there are also successful ones. What is the factor that makes the difference between failure and success?

Excellent product development is the foundation of great creation, but it is not everything. In fact, you need to plan ahead, put together an excellent team, and know how to adapt. The key is to learn from other companies that have gained more experience in the field over time, so you can make better decisions and avoid the same mistakes.

In this piece, as a result of our experience in logistics and 3PL, we have prepared a good overview of the planning process and what you should anticipate. After multiple collaborations with companies that have been able to achieve success thanks to our expertise, we have learned that the only way to achieve these goals is to apply what we have learned to the product development process, along with reliable partners like DocShipper who can accompany you throughout the process, and with effective marketing and sales.

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How to create a more sustainable supply chain? Your full guide

How to create a more sustainable supply chain? Your full guide

In a context of growing environmental awareness, companies are seeking to create more sustainable supply chains. Indeed, the environmental and social impact of product production and distribution has become a major issue for consumers, businesses and governments. 

The environmental impact of supply chains cannot be underestimated, accounting for over 80% of a consumer company's emissions. Current supply chain models are no longer sustainable, not only because of their impact on the environment, but also because of the growing economic disadvantages. With this in mind, this article outlines the different steps to creating a more sustainable supply chain and the benefits it can bring to business and the environment.

That's why you need a service provider committed to a sustainable supply chain, such as DocShipper, that takes into account the environmental, social and economic impacts of every step in its supply chain.

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How to get a smart and sustainable supply chain:all you need to know!

How to get a smart and sustainable supply chain : all you need to know !

During the pandemic, Docshipper is determined to use the flexible combination of various transportation methods with the close cooperation with partners and suppliers around the world, which makes us guarantee the smooth process of the supply chain and the customized enjoyable experience of  customer.

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An outline of frequent shipment and logistic procedures.

Shipping is the act of transporting inventory from one destination to another involving numerous complex procedures that require a high performing logistics system. The article below will further explain the several different steps involved in international shipping and different services available for various shipping orders. 

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Understanding BOP [Definition – Details – Special Consideration]

Understanding BOP [Definition – Details – Special Consideration]

Docshipper Alert : Indeed, our sourcing experts have noticed that with the increase in online sales, many consumers and companies are facing scams that can lead to thousand US Dollars. 

To prevent this, DocShipper has partnered with Airwallex to offer a flexible, secure and fast international payment experience. 

If you are interested in our customized support and secure payments, do not hesitate to contact our sourcing service. 

Definition of the Balance of Payments (BOP)


The balance of payments is a statistical statement that summarizes an economy’s international transactions. It tracks all transactions between inhabitants of an economy and non-residents in which ownership changes hands. A resident in this sense is someone or corporation who has been registered in a nation for more than 12 months.

Exchanges are recorded in two reports: the present and capital statement and the budgetary account, from these total balances should, in theory, equal zero, because each exchanges in the present and capital reports should be matched by an identical transaction in the budgetary account. As a result, the present and actif statement balances indicate an economy’s exposition around the world, while the budgetary account reveals how it is funded.

To complete this analysis, DocShipper offers you an article explaining the whole process of international logistics, from the choice of supplier to the delivery of your products, DocShipper takes care of everything.

Key points






  • Balance of payment and overseas investment position figures are available on a monthly and quarterly basis.
  • Annual statistics on international services trade;
  • Year figures on external direct placement, transactions, and earnings;
  • Data on worldwide exchanges involving EU institutions in great detail.

 Present Account

The present account is made up of a nation’s net goods and services trade, net income on cross-border investments, and net transfer payments.

Financial Description

The capital history is made up of a state’s financial instrument exchanges and central bank deposits.

To conclude, although the sum of all actions recorded should be zero, currency rate changes and discrepancies in accounting processes may make this difficult to achieve in reality.

DocShipper info : If you are not comfortable with these technical terms, don’t hesitate to contact our sourcing service which is here to guide you. 

You will be interested by our customized support and secure payments.

The Starting Point of Balance of Payments (BOP)

Prior to the nineteenth century, international affairs were priced in gold, which limited the flexibility available to countries with trade deficits.

The History behind account

Because development was slow at the period, creating a trade surplus was the major means of bolstering a country’s financial situation. However, because national economies were not highly connected, large trade imbalances seldom resulted in crises.

 Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution was a period of growth in the second half of the eighteenth century that changed EU’s and America’s mostly rural and agrarian cultures into industrialized and urbanized society.

Thanks to the development of new machinery and techniques in textiles, ironmaking, and other sectors, goods that were formerly painstakingly manufactured by hand began to be mass-produced by machines in factories.

The Industrial Revolution began in Britain and extended to the rest of the globe, including the United States, in the 1830s and 1840s, fueled by the game-changing usage of steam. This time is commonly referred to as the first industrial revolution by historians to distinguish it from a later phase of industrialisation that began in the late 1800s. Rapid advancements in the steel, electrical, and automobile sectors occurred during the 19th and early 20th centuries. During this time, the world economy discovered that each country was superior in terms of production, time, and price for various products and services.

This was the point at which countries began to specialize in a specific field.

End of gold standard

Countries abandoned the old system during the Great Depression and engaged in competitive depreciation of their money, but the Bretton Woods system, which lasted from 1945 until the 1970s, introduced a new system where the dollar can be converted into gold with exchange rates based on other currencies.

The government was unable to properly redeem foreign central banks’ dollar holdings for gold as the US money supply grew and the trade imbalance widened, and the system was abandoned.

Great Downturn

Several nations engaged in competitive depreciation of their currencies during the Great Recession in order to promote exports. At the time, all of the world’s major central banks responded to the financial crisis by implementing significant monetary expansion. As a result, the currencies of other countries, particularly those in developing economies, have appreciated versus the US dollar and other major currencies.

Many of these countries responded by relaxing monetary policy even further to assist their exports, particularly those whose exports were hampered by slow global demand during the Great Recession.

The Balance Of Payments in details

The current account and the capital account are the two accounts that the balance of payments separates transactions into. With a separate, generally very tiny, capital account reported separately, the capital account is sometimes referred to as the financial account. Transactions in products, services, investment income, and current transfers are all included in the current account.

Imports and Exports transactions

Imports and exports of commodities, services, and capital, as well as transfer payments like foreign aid and remittances, make up the balance of payments (BOP). The international accounts are made up of a country’s balance of payments and its net foreign investment position.

Foreign funds are classified as credit and documented in the Balance Of Payments when they enter a nation. In the BOP, outflows from a nation are reflected as debits. Let’s assume France sends 100 vehicles to the United States. The export of the 100 automobiles is recorded as a negative in France’s balance sheet, while the imports are recorded as a credit in the United States’.

Sum of all exchanges

Statistical disparities exist in practice as a result of the difficulties of precisely counting every transaction between one economy and the rest of the world, including differences created by foreign currency translations.

As long as the capital account is defined widely, the aggregate of all exchanges reported in the balance of payments must be zero. The reason for this is that every credit in the current account has an equal and opposite debit in the capital account.

Calculations and components of Balance of Payments

CalculThe calculation method is always the same, this is a simple calculation where the result needs to be close to 0.

BOP formula

Current account + capital account + financial account + balancing item = 0 is the formula for determining the balance of payments.

BOP components

All exchanges between entities in one nation and the rest of the world over a period of time are included in the BOP. The current account, capital account, and finance account are the three main components of the Balance Of Payments. The capital and finance accounts must be balanced by the current account.



DocShipper Advise : We help you with the entire sourcing process so don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!

  • Having trouble finding the appropriate product? Enjoy our sourcing services, we directly find the right suppliers for you!
  • You don’t trust your supplier? Ask our experts to do quality control to guarantee the condition of your goods!
  • Do you need help with the logistics? Our international freight department supports you with door to door services!
  • You don’t want to handle distribution? Our 3PL department will handle the storage, order fulfillment, and last-mile delivery!

DocShipper | Procurement – Quality control – Logistics


Alibaba, Dhgate, made-in-china… Many know of websites to get supplies in Asia, but how many have come across a scam ?! It is very risky to pay an Asian supplier halfway around the world based only on promises! DocShipper offers you complete procurement services integrating logistics needs: purchasing, quality control, customization, licensing, transport…

Communication is important, which is why we strive to discuss in the most suitable way for you!

What Is the Future of Shipping in 2022

What Is the Future of Shipping in 2022?

A seamless shipping process facilitates industries to meet the customers' demands across the world, and it has been an important part in defining the global economy. Warehousing, distribution, transportation, last-mile delivery, etc., are the core components of a seamless shipping process. All these components work in symphony to deliver products to the customers or buyers on time. But, a few years back, they were fragmented, and shipping was a long and exhaustive job. There was no transparency, and businesses were conducted with huge financial risks.
This has dramatically changed with the innovation in technology and shipping management strategies. Due to this, organizations are now in a better position to source, manufacture, transport, and track goods more efficiently. It has fast-paced the shipping process and increased customer satisfaction. Amidst these, came in COVID-19 breakout, and this disrupted the entire shipping process. It has put pressure on industry experts to make everything more sustainable, resilient, and effective.
Experts believe that there are few processes that still operate in the same old-fashioned, and by optimizing them with the cutting edge technologies such as cloud technology, AI, IoT, blockchain, and data analytics, they can make the shipping process linear. It can help them to overcome the issues of the modern supply chain, such as rapid product delivery, labor shortage, shipping backlog, etc. Switching to advanced and no-hassle shipments is a sure way to reduce the risks associated with the shipping process.
It is exciting to discover what the future holds for the shipping and logistics industry and how it addresses some current challenges of the shipping process.

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UK Vietnam freight Sea-Air-Rail-Freight (Rates-Transites times -Duties& taxes -Advices

Freight between UK – Vietnam | Rates – Transit times – Duties – Taxes – Advices

Import/export activities are always recommended for a business. Certainty, knowledge of transport methods, as well as certification of conformity and product quality, compliance with local regulations and delivery deadlines, are the main determinants of performance.
Docshipper offers these customers a variety of methods to ship their goods to and from the UK, making it faster to sell and buy their goods internationally, including sea, air and rail.

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Freight UK France

Freight between the UK and France | Rates – Transit times – Duties – Taxes – Advices

Why move cargo between the UK and France? To enjoy the benefits of 'French freight'! Jokes aside, dealing with the complexities of shipping—like understanding rates, transit times, and customs regulations—can be challenging. This guide is here to simplify the process of moving goods between the UK and France.

We’ll walk you through the different freight options—road, air, sea, or rail—and explain customs clearance, duties, and taxes. You’ll also find practical advice tailored to businesses of all sizes. If it still feels overwhelming, let DocShipper take care of it. As your trusted international freight forwarder, we handle every step, turning potential challenges into smooth, successful shipments for your business.

Which are the different modes of transportation between UK and France?

When shipping goods from the UK to France, the relatively short distance and being neighbors make it quicker and simpler. But which ride to take? Think of it like choosing between a sedan or a cargo van for moving. Road transport via trucks is like using a cargo van - efficient, spacious, and perfect for larger loads. On the other hand, air freight can be compared to a sedan - quicker, ideal for time-sensitive or smaller shipments. The choice, therefore, hinges on your unique needs - size of shipment, cost, and delivery speed.

How can DocShipper help?

Looking to ship goods between the UK and France? Let DocShipper assist you. We excel at tackling customs complexities, ensuring smooth transport, and taking care of all the administrative hassles. Interested in swift, hassle-free international shipping? Contact us for a free estimate within 24 hours, or dial our consultants for zero-cost advice.


sea-freight from and to the UK

Sea freight from and to the UK

Sea freight between UK and France

UK and France share a vibrant trade relationship, bridged beautifully by the bustling maritime highways. This trade route forms the pulse, connecting industrial heartlands through bustling ports like Southampton and Le Havre. However, transporting goods across the English channel via ocean freight, while cost-effective for high-volume shipments, isn't quite as straightforward as booking a ticket for a ferry ride.

The unpredictable waters of international shipping laws, customs regulations, and documentation mistakes have led many businesses down a stormy path of setbacks and costly errors. Imagine you're trying to ride a bike for the first time without training wheels—stumbling is inevitable. But with expert guidance that offers the balanced support of 'trade rules training wheels,’ your shipping journey can transform into a smooth voyage. This section unfolds these best practices and specifications in simple terms assuring you that a successful sea voyage between the UK and France is absolutely within your reach.

Main shipping ports in UK

Port of Felixstowe

Location and Volume: The Port of Felixstowe is situated in Suffolk, East England, and it is the UK's busiest container port. With a shipping volume of around 3.9 million TEU, it handles around 35% of the nation's container cargo.

Key Trading Partners and Strategic Importance: It has strong connections with European trading partners like the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, and also trades significantly with China and South East Asia. As a hub of international trade, it has received substantial investment to expand capacity and improve performance.

Context for Businesses: If you're looking to widen your trade network within Europe and Asia, the Port of Felixstowe's extensive connections and high capacity could streamline your logistics operations.

Port of Southampton

Location and Volume: Located on England's south coast and is recognized as the UK's number one vehicle handling port, processing around 1.9 million TEU annually.

Key Trading Partners and Strategic Importance: Key trading partners include the United States, China, and India. It plays a strategic role in the global automotive industry, being a primary port for the import and export of vehicles.

Context for Businesses: If your business deals with vehicle exports or imports or trades significantly with the U.S or Asia, the Port of Southampton is a logical choice considering its excellent vehicle handling provisions and strategic location.

Port of London

Location and Volume: Situated on the River Thames, the Port of London is the second biggest in the UK. It deals with over 60 million tonnes of import and export cargo, serviced by over 70 operational terminals.

Key Trading Partners and Strategic Importance: Key trading partners are Europe, especially Germany, the Netherlands, and Belgium. It holds a critical position within the UK market and is also a key conduit for the import of essential commodities.

Context for Businesses: If you're engaging extensively with European markets, the Port of London could serve as an important logistics point for you, thanks to its significant capacity and well-rounded service offerings.



Port of Liverpool

Location and Volume: Located in the northwest of England, the Port of Liverpool has a shipping volume of 750,000 TEU annually.

Key Trading Partners and Strategic Importance: It connects global markets such as the Americas, Africa, and Asia. The port has recently opened the Liverpool2 container terminal, which allows it to handle the largest container vessels in operation.

Context for Businesses: If you're looking to penetrate markets in the Americas or development areas in Africa and Asia, the Port of Liverpool provides substantial capacity via its technologically advanced Liverpool2 terminal.

Port of Grimsby

Location and Volume: The Port of Grimsby is located on the north-east coast of England. It is the UK's leading port for car imports with around half a million vehicles passing through each year.

Key Trading Partners and Strategic Importance: The port has strong connections with Europe and specialises in cars, perishable goods, and energy.

Context for Businesses: If your business is involved in the automotive trade or energy sector, the Port of Grimsby may significantly enhance your business logistics chain with its specialized facilities and networks.

Port of Tilbury

Location and Volume: Port of Tilbury, located on the River Thames in Essex, handles 500,000 TEUs annually, besides millions of tons of bulk cargo.

Key Trading Partners and Strategic Importance: The port operates extensive trade with Europe, particularly Scandinavia and the Baltic region. Tilbury is an important logistics hub with excellent road and river connections to the rest of the UK.

Context for Businesses: If you're focused on Northern Europe, particularly Scandinavia and the Baltic region, and require excellent UK distribution capabilities, the Port of Tilbury could be crucial to your logistics operations.

Main shipping ports in France

Port of Le Havre Official 

Location and Volume: Located in the Normandy region, the Port of Le Havre is the largest French port for external trade and container shipping. It embodies an annual shipping volume of around 4.5 million TEU.

Key Trading Partners and Strategic Importance: Le Havre is a gateway to Europe and serves as a major hub for trade with key partners such as Asia, the United States, and the rest of Europe. It is a member of the North Range ports, the largest and most important shipping region in Europe.

Context for Businesses: If you're aiming to tap into the European market, the Port of Le Havre's well-established connections can offer businesses an advantage, especially considering its connection to the European hinterland via road, river, and rail networks.

Port of Marseille Fos 

Location and Volume: Leaning on the Mediterranean coast, the Port of Marseille Fos is pivotal for Mediterranean trade, handling approximately 1.8 million TEU annually.

Key Trading Partners and Strategic Importance: The port entertains trade relations with numerous countries in Africa, Asia, and Europe. It's the first French port for oil and liquid bulk and a crucial energy hub.

Context for Businesses: If your business deals in energy sectors or wants to connect with Mediterranean or African markets, the Port of Marseille Fos, with its diverse freight services, offers numerous opportunities.

Port of Dunkirk 

Location and Volume: At the northmost tip of France, the Port of Dunkirk is one of the largest French ports. It supports a shipping volume close to 500,000 TEU every year.

Key Trading Partners and Strategic Importance: The port has a strong leaning towards Northern Europe, particularly with countries like the UK, Ireland, and the Benelux countries. As France's third-largest port, it plays a vital role.

Context for Businesses: For businesses planning to penetrate the Northern European markets, the Port of Dunkirk provides a competitive advantage with its comprehensive ro-ro services, facilitating the shipment of truck trailers and other wheeled cargo.

Port of Nantes Saint-Nazaire 

Location and Volume: The Port of Nantes Saint-Nazaire, located on France's West coast, is an important Atlantic port, processing around 300,000 TEU per year.

Key Trading Partners and Strategic Importance: The port maintains strong trade links within Europe, making it significant for intra-European trade. Additionally, it's a strong hub for the bulk industry and agri-food goods.

Context for Businesses: If you're targeting the European market or work in the agri-food industry, Nantes Saint-Nazaire offers robustness in services and a quick connection to the continent's hinterlands.

Port of Rouen 

Location and Volume: The Port of Rouen is situated inland along the River Seine and handles around 10,000 TEU annually, but is particularly vital for bulk trade.

Key Trading Partners and Strategic Importance: The port engages in meaningful trade with Western Europe, specifically the UK and Ireland. Its primary importance lies in grain exportation, recognized as one of the world’s leading grain ports.

Context for Businesses: For businesses in the agri-food sector, particularly grain trade, the Port of Rouen can serve as an essential part of your logistics plan given its well-known expertise in the area.

Port of Bordeaux 

Location and Volume: Positioned along the Garonne River, the Port of Bordeaux handles about 80,000 TEU annually, yet is significantly renowned for its wine trade.

Key Trading Partners and Strategic Importance: The port enjoys trade relations with Europe, Africa, and the Americas - accounting for 80% of its international trade movements. It's a key player in the global wine industry, and a leading port for wine and spirits export.

Context for Businesses: If you're in the beverage industry, specifically wine and spirits, the Port of Bordeaux might be integral to your shipping strategy due to its exceptional handling of this specific trade.

Unlock hassle-free shipping

Eliminate the complexities of cargo shipping between the UK and France with DocShipper's expertise in freight forwarding. Our ocean freight professionals can assist you in making the right choice between consolidation and full container shipping, considering your budget, cargo volume, and speed requirements. Turn uncertainties into smooth sailing with DocShipper. Reach out to us for a free cost estimation tailored to your needs. Let's make international trade more accessible together.


How long does sea freight take between UK and France?

Shipping goods between the UK and France by sea freight typically takes an average of 10 days. However, transit times can vary significantly due to a variety of factors including the specific ports used, the weight of your goods, and their nature (goods which require special handling or customs clearance could lead to longer transit times). For a more accurate estimate tailored to your specific cargo, we recommend aligning with a reputable freight forwarder, such as DocShipper.

Now, let's take a look at the average transit times in days for sea freight between the main ports in both countries:

UK Ports France Ports Average Transit Time (in days)
Port of Southampton Port of Le Havre 3
Port of Felixstowe Port of Marseille 11
Port of Liverpool Port of Dunkirk 4
Port of London Port of Nantes-St Nazaire 4

*These are broad averages and actual transit times may vary according to specific shipping schedules and circumstances.

How much does it cost to ship a container between UK and France?

Deciphering the cost of shipping a container between the UK and France isn't as simple as basic math. Your freight's specific details, like Point of Loading, Destination, carrier, nature of goods, and ocean freight rates, all play a crucial role. Then toss in the ever-changing nature of monthly market trends– it's clear why we can't offer a one-size-fits-all price. But worry not! Our shipping specialists are on standby, ready to provide a tailored case-by-case quote, ensuring you get the most competitive shipping cost. We dedicate ourselves to draft the best route and rate to accommodate your unique requirements.

Special transportation services

Out of Gauge (OOG) Container

Definition: An OOG container, also known as Out of gauge cargo, is designed for items not fitting into standard containers due to their size or weight.
Suitable for: Large, non-standard, heavy equipment, and machinery are examples of items best suited.
Examples: Dump trucks, tractors, cranes, or large turbines.
Why it might be the best choice for you: Should your cargo exceed the dimensions of standard containers but you still need the extra protection a container offers, then OOG is ideal.

Break Bulk

Definition: Break bulk involves the transport of goods that are not containerized and loaded individually onto the ship.
Suitable for: Goods that are too large or heavy to fit into a container in one piece.
Examples: Construction equipment, generators, machinery.
Why it might be the best choice for you: It offers flexibility as each piece is individually handled, allowing for sizes and shapes that don't fit standard methods.

Dry Bulk

Definition: Dry Bulk refers to the shipment of loose cargo load like grain, coal, or sand in bulk without any packaging.
Suitable for: Commodities that can be poured directly into the ship's hold.
Examples: Fuel (coal), building materials like sand or cement, food (grains, rice).
Why it might be the best choice for you: If your goods are granular and loose, the lower cost and high carrying capacity of dry bulk shipping would be benefits.

Roll-on/Roll-off (Ro-Ro)

Definition: A ro-ro vessel is a type of ship designed to carry wheeled cargo like cars, trucks, or railroad cars that drive on and off the ship under their own power.
Suitable for: Movable equipment, vehicles, trailers.
Examples: Cars, buses, tractors, and trucks.
Why it might be the best choice for you: Efficient handling of vehicles and wheeled machinery with less physical handling during loading/unloading.

Reefer Containers

Definition: Refrigerated containers are used for goods requiring temperature-controlled conditions.
Suitable for: Perishable food, pharmaceuticals, or other temperature-sensitive goods.
Examples: Sensitive farm produce, frozen foods, or pharmaceuticals.
Why it might be the best choice for you: If your products need a constant temperature controlled environment during shipment to maintain their quality.

To ensure a hassle-free shipping experience, consider partnering with DocShipper. Our team of experienced logistic specialists would be more than happy to provide you a free shipping quote within 24 hours and guide you through the process.

air-freight from and to the UKAir freight from and to the UK

Air freight between UK and France

Air freight from the UK to France: quick as a snap and reliable as a Swiss watch, ideal for your precious smaller-sized cargo. Imagine shipping luxury watches or exclusive French wines; speed and excellent handling are of paramount importance, and this is where air freight shines. Beware, though, the allure of velocity can bring pitfalls for the unprepped shipper. It's like planning a holiday without checking flight bag allowances. Many overlook vital factors, from miscalculating product's weight—oops, not accounting for volumetric weight can really boost costs—to bypassing key best practices. Let's set sail into this, ensuring your shipping trip stays cost-effective instead of costly.

Air Cargo vs Express Air Freight: How should I ship?

When it comes to zooming your goods from the UK to France, time and cost matter a ton! On one hand, you have Air Cargo – think of it as your goods hitching a ride in a standard airline. On the other hand, Express Air Freight plays the VIP card, whisking your products on a dedicated plane. Both have their perks and quirks, so let's deep dive to find out which suits your business the best!

Should I choose Air Cargo between UK and France?

Wondering if air cargo is right for your UK-France shipments? Cost-effective and reliable, air freight might fit perfectly into your budget. Known airlines like British Airways and Air France provide regular services, efficiently connecting both countries. However, you may face slightly longer transit times due to fixed schedules. For shipments over 100/150 kg (220/330 lbs), this option becomes even more attractive, marrying volume, cost and reliability, and giving your freight movement the lift it needs.

top global air freight companies in the UK

Should I choose Express Air Freight between UK and France?

Opting for Express Air Freight to send goods between the UK and France is beneficial if your cargo is under 1 CBM or weighs 100/150 kg (220/330 lbs). This specialized service, run by international express couriers such as FedEx, UPS, or DHL, uses dedicated cargo planes without passengers, ensuring rapid delivery. It's ideal for high-priority shipments and small to medium-sized goods. The speedy turnaround and near-miss delivery times can give your business a significant competitive edge. This service might be the smart choice for you, striking the right balance between cost, speed, and reliability.

Top global courier express companies in the UK

How long does air freight take between UK and France?

On average, air freight shipping from the UK to France typically takes 1-3 days. However, keep in mind that this timeframe can vary significantly depending on details like the specific airports involved, the weight of the shipment, and the nature of goods being transported. To get a more precise estimate for your specific shipping needs, make sure to consult with experienced freight forwarders like DocShipper.

What is the difference between volumetric and gross weight?

Sure. In simple terms, gross weight refers to the total weight of your shipment, including goods, packaging, and any other materials. Volumetric weight, on the other hand, is a calculation that considers the size of your shipment, relating the space it takes up on an aircraft to a weight value.

Gross weight is straightforward to calculate; it's just the actual weight in kilograms (kg) of your total shipment. So, if you've got a 200 kg shipment, that's your gross weight (or 440 lbs, since 1 kg equals about 2.20462 lbs).

Calculating volumetric weight for Air cargo is a bit different. You'll need to measure the dimensions of your shipment (in centimeters), multiply the length, width, and height, and then divide by a specific factor. In air cargo transportation, this factor is usually 6,000. For example, if your shipment is 50 cm long, 50 cm wide, and 50 cm high, your volumetric weight is 50 x 50 x 50 / 6,000 = 20.83 kg (about 45.9 lbs).

When it comes to Express Air Freight services, however, the calculation factor usually drops to 5,000. Using the same package dimensions, the volumetric weight becomes 50 x 50 x 50 / 5,000 = 25 kg (around 55.1 lbs).

But what does this mean for you? Well, for air freight shipping, carriers will charge based on whichever weight is greater - the actual gross weight or the volumetric weight. Therefore, understanding these principles can potentially save your business from unexpected freight charges.

Rail Freight UK

Rail freight from and to the UK

Rail freight between UK and France

You might think it's just beans, baguettes, and berets on the rails between the UK and France, but it's so much more! Dating back to 1994, the opening of the Channel Tunnel revolutionized the rail freight industry. This line primarily transports automobiles and agricultural products, threading its way across France and England with incredible efficiency.

Having bolstered both economy and trade cooperation over decades, it has become an emblem of effective logistics management. However, with speediness being slightly compromised compared to air freight, but significantly cheaper, it's a classic case of the hare and the tortoise. The customs procedure? It's notoriously tricky with the changing regulations post-Brexit. Challenges? Mostly bureaucratic red tape, but nothing a seasoned freight forwarder can’t handle! Dig deeper and you may find rail freight is the hidden gem you’ve been seeking for your shipping needs.

What are the main train stations between UK and France?

1. Dover Priory, UK: Located in the town of Dover, this station is a prime hub for rail freight leaving the UK for mainland Europe due to its direct access to the Dover Port. It handles over 2 million tons of cargo annually, making it one of the busiest in the UK. It offers robust cargo handling capabilities suitable for high-high volume shipping. For your business, its myriad of freight services and strategic location near the English Channel may help streamline your shipping process to France seamlessly.

2. Felixstowe, UK: The Port of Felixstowe is the largest and busiest container port in the UK, and its integrated rail freight terminal makes it highly strategic for shippers. With two stations directly connected to the country's main rail network, it annually processes over 4 million TEUs (Twenty-foot Equivalent Units). If your business requires shipping large volumes of goods, Felixstowe should be on your radar due to its high capacity and excellent freight handling services.

3. Calais Frethun, France: This station is adjacent to the port of Calais, which is the fourth-largest port in France by cargo tonnage. A critical link in the France-UK trade, it is geographically vital as it is connected directly to the channel tunnel. It's a strategic component in the entire supply chain, especially for fast-moving consumer goods. If your business has a high turn-over of goods, relying on this station's quick circulation times can get your goods to the market faster.

4. Paris Gare de Lyon, France: Among France's busiest terminals, it serves as an essential hub for commodities traveling between Southern and Northern Europe. International freight trains originating from Southern Europe pass through this station to reach the UK. For your business, leveraging this station's significant trade route can ensure your goods reach their destination across multiple European countries, not just the UK.

China - Europe Rail Network

How long does rail freight take between UK and France?

Choosing rail freight to ship your goods from the UK to France? Transit times can vary widely depending on several factors, such as customs clearance and the specific journey your goods take. Nonetheless, you can expect an average transit time of just a few days.

Now, let's explore some major rail networks between China and Europe, providing you with their transit times and frequency of departures. Keep in mind, these are only estimates - actual transit times may vary due to the unpredictable nature of freight transport.

What are the advantages of rail transport between UK and France

Rail freight from the UK to France combines the speed of air freight with the cost-efficiency of sea freight, making it a popular option. Unlike shipping by sea, rail transport is not affected by weather conditions, resulting in more predictable transit times. For example, while a storm can delay a sea freight shipment, your goods will still get delivered on time by train. Accurate delivery times help in planning your supply chain more efficiently.

Furthermore, compared to air freight, rail is less expensive and more environmentally friendly. Let's say you need to send a container of electronics from London to Paris. With rail, you can save up to 50% of the cost and reduce CO2 emissions by around 60% compared to air freight. It's clear that rail offers an attractive balance of speed, cost, and reliability when shipping between the UK and France.

How much does shipping goods by train between UK and France cost?

Translating the cost to ship goods by train from the UK to France into a straightforward figure isn't as simple as plucking a number from the air—and here's why. Rates fluctuate based on an ensemble of variables such as weight, volume, and the nature of your goods. But don't sweat it, that's where our seasoned freight specialists come in! We negotiate custom quotes, ensuring you receive value for every pound you spend.

Interested? Ping us a message today and get a custom quote for your shipment free of charge—all in less than 24 hours. We're here to make your international shipping journey hassle-free and cost-efficient.

Road Freight UK

Road freight from and to the UK

Trucking between UK and France

If you're seeking an economical, reliable, and swift logistics strategy from the UK to France, trucking services may be your ace card. Enjoying reduced transit times, flexible routes across the Channel Tunnel or ferry crossings, and well-maintained highways, road freight offers cost-benefits against its air, sea or rail competitors. But, it's not without its cons - possible road congestion or strict driving regulations might just throw a spanner in the works.

Nevertheless, for businesses big or small, considering road freight could mean hitting the jackpot in cross-border shipping expenses and flexibility. Weigh the pros and cons to make your optimal choice.

What if I can't fill a truck between UK and France?

Deciding between Less than Truckload (LTL) and Full Truckload (FTL) Freight? It's a critical step for businesses shipping goods between the UK and France. Get the scoop on both and discover which method might be your golden ticket to efficiency and savings in this enlightening section.

LTL: Less than Truck Load

Less than Truck Load (LTL) freight is the transport of goods that don't need the entire space of a truck. Imagine you're moving a small office to Paris and you only have furniture equivalent to 10 CBM. Instead of booking a whole truck that can carry up to 60 CBM, you choose LTL shipment, share the truck space with other businesses and only pay for the 10 CBM you use.

Now, the burning question is: When should you use LTL? Well, here are a few scenarios:

- You do not need the entire truck: Your cargo size is less than 15 CBM.
- It's cost-effective: Smaller shipments often benefit from the shared costs of LTL.
- You value flexibility: Your cargo can be moved out at different times, helping manage your logistics effectively.
- Environment-friendly: LTL reduces carbon footprints by maximizing truck space.

Whether you're shipping salon furniture to Nice or a batch of antique books to Marseille, optimal use of LTL freight ensures your goods reach their destination efficiently and cost-effectively while reducing environmental impact.

FTL: Full Truck Load

Full Truck Load, often known as FTL freight, is a mode of transport where the entire truck is dedicated to a single consignment. This option stands out when you've got more than enough load to fill up a truck - typically, around 13-15 CBM (Cubic Meter). Just imagine it's like booking an entire buffet just for you! A real-life example? Let’s say you're a manufacturer with 15 CBM of toys to move from London to Paris. Choosing FTL shipment here would be more economical and efficient - the truck starts and ends its journey just to deliver your stuff.

Your decision to opt for FTL could be motivated by the following scenarios:

- You have a large consignment, approximately more than 15 CBM.
- Tighter control over the transit time is needed because, with FTL, it's just your cargo on the move.
- Your cargo is fragile or high-value, and you prefer direct delivery to minimize handling and potential damage.
- You're transporting items with special requirements like temperature control, wherein dedicating the whole truck is the safest bet.

By considering all these factors, you can determine if going for a FTL freight is the right route to take for your shipping needs!

What are the main routes between UK and France?

When it comes to road freight between the United Kingdom and France, the most well-trodden paths lie between the bustling trade hubs of London and Paris. The comprehensive network of well-maintained highways connecting these cities are the M20 and A16. These are vital arteries in Europe's commercial heart, merging into the Eurotunnel at Folkestone. This journey, taking around six hours, offers the shortest path for road freight.

On the other side, the sprawling A1 highway from Paris offers a route towards Northern European markets. It's crucial to stay updated on weather predictions and potential traffic blocks on these routes to ensure timely delivery. Reliable freight services will monitor these variables to keep your goods moving smoothly.

What are the road transit times between UK and France?

On average, road transport between the UK and France can take up to 24 hours, but influences such as traffic congestion, varying circulation policies, and fluctuating road conditions can affect this duration. For instance, countries like Romania and Bulgaria often face issues with lower-quality roads which can slow transit down. Bear in mind, these times are merely indicative, and we're always available to provide a precise cross-border freight quote within 24 hours.

How much does trucking cost between UK and France?

Nailing down the precise cost to truck your goods from the UK to France, eh? Now, that’s a bit like trying to grab a cloud - it shifts! Prices can vary as wildly as British weather, thanks to factors like volume, weight, or delivery timelines. But worry not! Our dedicated team will plough through these variables to rustle up the best rates for your specific needs. Remember, we're not one-size-fits-all—each quote is as unique as your business!

Door to Door Transport UK

Door to door transport from and to the UK

Door to door between UK and France

Navigating international waters is easier with door-to-door shipping, a turnkey solution that takes your cargo from the heart of the UK right to the doorstep in France. It's convenient, cost-effective, and eliminates the stress of complicated logistics. Ready to enjoy a smoother, streamlined shipping experience? Let's dive in!

Overview – Door to Door

Does international shipping between the UK and France feel like a maze with its complex customs and logistical issues? Opting for Door to Door service can be your stress-buster. Many of DocShipper’s clients choose this as it handles everything: pick-up, customs clearance, and final delivery, rendering a smooth, hands-off experience. However, while offering convenience, it may bear higher costs compared to other shipping methods. Yet, trading off a bit of cost against peace of mind and saved time seems worth it for many. Discover how door-to-door shipping can be your top choice for uncomplicated logistics.

Why should I use a Door to Door service between UK and France?

Ever wondered how fantastic it would be if your cargo could sprout legs and walk itself from the UK to France? We can't promise walking parcels, but we can deliver the next best thing - Door to Door service. Here are five compelling reasons to choose this nifty option.

1. Seamless Stress-Buster: Tosson that logistics stress out the window! From the moment your goods leave the warehouse to the second they arrive at your destination, every process is tackled on your behalf. Now that's what we call a one-stop solution.

2. Tick-Tock Timely: Got an urgent shipment? Door to Door services aren't just fast; they're timely. With every stage managed end-to-end, unexpected delays become a thing of the past, ensuring your goods reach their purpose precisely as the clock strikes 'needed.'

3. Specialist at Your Service: Complex cargo? No problem! Door to Door services come with expert handling, ensuring your particularly finicky or fragile items receive the tender loving care they deserve.

4. Trucking Tremendous: Think transport, and it's likely trucks that roll to mind. With Door to Door service, worry not about logistics or load sizes. Everything, including trucking, is tackled head-on, ensuring that the journey from A to B becomes a smooth sail.

5. Comforting Convenience: Here's arguably the most significant rationale: the convenience. With all customs, logistics, and administrative procedures taken care of, you can kick back and focus on what your business does best.

So, why strain when you could simplify? The Door to Door service between the UK and France has your shipping needs covered. Sprout the legs on that cargo… metaphorically, of course!

DocShipper – Door to Door specialist between UK and France

Streamlining your door-to-door shipping between the UK and France, DocShipper offers a stress-free logistics solution. Expertly managing all aspects from packing to customs, we cater for all transport modes. Our dedicated Account Executives are just a call away, ready to serve your individual needs. Connect with us now for a rapid, free estimate and experience a shipment process where your only task is to sit back and relax. Trust the proficiency of DocShipper, your all-inclusive shipping partner.

customs clearance in the UK

Customs Clearance UK


Customs clearance in France for goods imported from UK

Customs clearance in France, an essential part of importing goods from the UK, involves complex procedures with potential pitfalls like unexpected fees. Understanding customs duties, taxes, quotas, and licenses is crucial, or else you risk your goods getting held up in customs. This guide will delve into these intricacies, guiding you smoothly through the process.

For a streamlined import experience, DocShipper stands ready to assist. You can entrust us with goods of any type, from anywhere in the world. Need an estimate to get your project rolling? Do connect with our team, providing the origin of your goods, their value, and the HS Code - these 3 elements are key to kick off the estimation process. Keep reading to arm yourself with critical knowledge to successfully navigate French customs.

How to calculate duties & taxes when importing from UK to France?

Understanding customs duties requires you to familiarize yourself with several important factors. Starting off, you'd need to absolutely have an idea about the country of origin. Digging deeper, the HS Code - a universal code set for different types of products - comes into play. You don't stop there, though. The value you've declared for customs - the Customs Value - has a significant role in calculating your share of duties. Furthermore, the Tariff rate that applies to your specific shipment and additional fees or taxes show up to the party to play their part in this rather complex calculation.

Ready to kickstart? The first milestone requires you to identify the country where your goods took their very first breath - the country where they were indeed birthed, manufactured or produced. This sets the foundation for your journey towards understanding and estimating how much you'll need to pay in duties and taxes when importing from UK to France.

Step 1 - Identify the Country of Origin

Understanding your product's country of origin sets the foundation for your import journey from the UK to France. Firstly, it determines the Harmonized System (HS) code, an international standard for categorizing traded products. The exact HS code, crucial for preparing your customs declarations, leans heavily on the origin.

Secondly, countries of origin are key in trade agreements. France and the UK have a Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) established post-Brexit, impacting your duties. By revising the TCA provisions, you can figure out your exact obligations.

Thirdly, amiss details on origin could lead to sanctions or delays. Confirming the origin helps prevent this, saving both money and time.

Moreover, country-of-origin information guides you on any import restrictions; for instance, some agricultural goods face quotas.

Lastly, knowing the origin helps establish any preferential treatment under French customs rules, reducing your overall import costs.

Your product's origin is like the first domino to fall in your import process - it informs duties, taxes, and eases potentially challenging customs waters, so don't underrate it. Your French imports can be smooth sailing with these details on hand. Be a proactive sailor and avoid any unexpected waves!

Step 2 - Find the HS Code of your product

The Harmonized System (HS) Code is an internationally recognized system of names and numbers used to classify traded products. It is utilized globally by various customs authorities to identify products for the purpose of duty and taxes and is also used in freight logistics.

For many businesses, the most straightforward way to find the HS code for a product is to ask the supplier. These individuals are typically familiar with the products they deal with and are aware of the relevant trading regulations.

If for some reason this isn't feasible, you can determine the HS code yourself by following a simple step-by-step process.

First, access an HS lookup tool like the Harmonized Tariff Schedule. Here, you can simply input the name of your product into the search bar.

Next, once your product search results appear, look for the Heading/Subheading column. In this column, you'll find the HS code for your product.

Please note: accuracy is of paramount importance when identifying the HS code for your product. The wrong code could potentially lead to delays in shipping, increased costs, and even fines.

Here's an infographic showing you how to read an HS code.

hs code uk

Step 3 - Calculate the Customs Value

Getting your goods across the border involves understanding the concept of 'Customs Value'. This isn't quite the same as the price you pay for your products. In fact, it's a bit more. Customs Value is the CIF value - the Cost of the goods, Insurance, and Freight (transportation cost). Not just the sticker price, but how much you spent to buy, insure, and ship your goods to France from the UK.

For instance, if you purchase a product for $100, insure it for $10, and pay $50 for shipping, your Customs Value is $160. This is critical because the French customs authority uses this CIF value to calculate the customs duties and taxes you'll need to pay. It's a pivotal step to clear goods through customs without a hitch. Keep in mind, all the costs used in these calculations are in USD.

Step 4 - Figure out the applicable Import Tariff

Knowing the import tariff largely affects your shipping operations. In essence, an import tariff is a tax collected on imported goods. It varies depending on the goods and their country of origin. For businesses shipping from the UK, this tariff's determination becomes another critical aspect in the freight forwarding chain.

Let's take an example. Assume you're importing a bicycle (HS code 8712) from the UK to France. Visit the UK Global Online Tariff portal. After entering the HS code and the country of origin, check the duties and taxes applied to the product.

Expanded on this example, let's say the FOB cost of the bicycle is $500. Add insurance and freight costs (CIF), say about $50. The tariff rate for bicycles is say 10%. Applying it to the CIF value ($550), calculates the import duty as $55.

Being well-versed in applicable tariffs can save you unwanted surprises and unnecessary expenses. So, make sure to research thoroughly and apply accurate information to keep your shipping smooth and efficient.

Step 5 - Consider other Import Duties and Taxes

Beyond the standard tariff rate, you might also be required to pay additional import duties depending on your product's nature and its country of origin. One such expense could be the excise duty, typically imposed on goods like alcohol, tobacco, or energy products. For example, if you're importing whiskey, an excise duty of around $15 per liter might be applied (note, this is a hypothetical example and rates can vary).

Moreover, anti-dumping taxes may reflect in your final bill, especially if your goods are sold below the fair market value. These are applied to protect domestic industries from unfair foreign competition.

Perhaps the most significant potential extra cost is the Value Added Tax (VAT), which in France is typically 20% but can vary depending on the product. To calculate the VAT, you'd add the customs value, shipping costs, any duty payable, and then apply the VAT rate. For instance, if the customs value is $1000 and shipping cost we add is $200, with a duty of $100, the total value becomes $1300. Applying a 20% VAT would then add an extra $260 to your costs.

Remember, these examples help to grasp the subject and might differ from real-life situations. Always keep an eye on these additional charges as they can significantly impact your import costs. It's essential to precisely calculate your goods' total landed cost to avoid any unpleasant surprises. Understanding extra taxes or duties can assist you in effectively budgeting your import expenses.

Step 6 - Calculate the Customs Duties

In customs clearance, calculating the Customs Duties forms a critical step. This taxing formula depends on your goods' customs value, VAT, and various duties such as anti-dumping and excise.

1) Primarily, if you're importing goods valued at $1000 with a custom duty rate of 5%, you would be charged $50 with no VAT included.

2) For a scenario involving VAT, consider your shipment is worth $2000 with a duty rate of 4%. Here, you'd pay $80 in customs duty. Now, add the VAT, which in France is 20%, calculated on the total value plus duty: $2000 + $80 = $2080 x 20% = $416. Therefore your total charges would be $496.

3) When dealing with additional duties like anti-dumping taxes and Excise Duty, the equation grows more complex. Suppose your $1200 shipment falls under both the anti-dumping tariff (let's say 10%) and Excise Duty of $0.2 per unit with 100 units. The initial customs duty at 3% will be $36. Add the anti-dumping of $120 (10% of $1200) and Excise Duty of $20 (100 units x $0.2), the total becomes $176. Plus the VAT ($259.2), your final customs bill is $435.2.

But why hassle? DocShipper's customs clearance services handle all steps of your worldwide customs clearance, ensuring you're never overcharged. Reach out for a free quote within 24h! Calculating customs duties doesn't have to be taxing!

Does DocShipper charge customs fees?

When shipping, navigating through payments can be tricky. DocShipper, functioning as a customs broker in the UK and France, isn't in the business of levying customs duties. Those are government charges, something you'll alleviate through us, but not pay to us. What we handle, though, are customs clearance fees. Picture it like a handling charge. We sort through the paperwork and legwork, producing documents that reflect an honest, government-stated duty. You pay only what customs office charges, verified by these documents. No hidden fees, no puzzling charges, just straightforward shipping.

Contact Details for Customs Authorities

Required documents for customs clearance

Confused about customs? You're not alone. In this guide, we'll quash the mystique around critical documents such as the Bill of Lading, Packing List, and more. Say goodbye to the stress of uncertainty while shipping internationally. Stay tuned!

Bill of Lading

Navigating the UK-France shipping realm, you'll encounter the vital Bill of Lading, a stepping-stone in your goods' journey. It acts like a passport for your package, declaring ownership switch and setting sail for smooth transit. An intriguing facet is the telex release, where electronically transmitted Bill of Ladings speed up the process, beating the traditional snail's pace. Air cargo isn't left behind; the AWB (airway bill) plays a similar role here.

Imagine bypassing hours of manual paperwork and prioritising speedy delivery to your French counterparts with these digitised solutions! Practical tip: Hunt down a reliable freight forwarder who can efficiently handle your Bill of Lading needs- it could make the difference between a frustrating bottleneck and a thriving goods trade.

Packing List

Navigating the shipping route from the UK to France? You must create an accurate Packing List - it's your golden ticket to a smooth freight forwarding experience. This document details everything you're shipping, from the quantity, description, and type of goods, to weight, dimensions, and even internal packages like pallets or crates. If you've got 50 boxes of books sailing via sea or 200 car parts flying, every single item must be listed.

Why? Two reasons: Customs officials on both sides of the Channel use it to verify your shipment against its declared contents. Additionally, carriers leverage it to calculate chargeable weight for shipping costs. Misrepresented items can spell delays, penalties or worse – impounded goods. Succeeding in international shipping is all about accuracy, transparency, and detail. Your Packing List, if done right, ensures these. Remember, it's not just a list, but a tool for credibility in your UK-France shipping journey.

Commercial Invoice

The Commercial Invoice is vital when shipping from the UK to France. This detailed breakdown, including the description, quantity, and value of goods, serves as the primary reference for customs officials. Accurate, consistent information across all your shipping documents smooths your customs clearance process.

For instance, if you're exporting a batch of craft beers, details like the brew type, number of cases, and their market price should be in perfect sync across your Commercial Invoice, Packing List, and Letters of Transport. Potential inaccuracies or mismatches could cause delays or even fines. So, pay particular attention to this document—it's an essential tool for sailing smoothly through customs.

Certificate of Origin

Ready to ship goods between UK and France? You'll certainly need a Certificate of Origin (CO). This document declares the 'birthplace' of your goods and it’s crucial for customs clearance—it’s the legal necessity that everyone skims over but regrets later when their shipment is held up!

Why all this focus on birthplaces? Simply put, customs uses this info to apply any preferential duty rates. Let’s say you've made thermoses in the UK. With a CO showcasing that 'Made in UK' badge, you might just enjoy reduced—or even zero—duties under certain trade agreements. So, don't forget to mention the country of manufacture in your CO. Now, who wouldn't prefer that little extra saving to boost their bottom line?

Certificate of Conformity (CE standard)

Shipping between the UK and France requires a Certificate of Conformity to the CE standard. This document is your product's passport to the European market, signifying it adheres to safety, environmental, and health regulations. Unlike quality assurance that ensures operational efficiency, CE marking guarantees regulatory compliance.

Although the UK has transitioned to the UKCA marking after Brexit, CE marking remains valid for certain products until 1st January 2023. While similar to the US's FCC mark, they aren't interchangeable. So, if your product is destined for France, assure its compliance with CE standards and obtain the certificate. This will smooth your customs process. Anchor your strategy around these practices for ease in global trade.

Your EORI number (Economic Operator Registration Identification)

Getting your goods through customs from the UK to France smoothly hinges significantly on your EORI number. Why so? Simply put, an EORI number makes your business recognizable across the whole EU network - yes, even though the UK isn't part of the EU anymore! This unique code is key for keeping tabs on goods in transit; without it, your shipment might find itself stuck in the quagmire of customs checks.

EORI is a must-have not just for established businesses, but also for sole traders. It's simple to register for - you do it online via the HMRC in the UK and via the French Customs Authority in France. A few clicks, a quick application, and you're set to take your international shipping to the next level. Don't overlook this crucial step in successfully trading between the UK and France.

Get Started with DocShipper

Stressed by customs complexity? Let us simplify it for you! At DocShipper, we take care of every detail, ensuring smooth customs clearance for your UK-France shipments. Say goodbye to frustration and hello to peace of mind. Be it declaration, duties, or documentation, we've got you covered. Don't wait! Contact us now for a free quote and get a response in under 24 hours. Let us make shipping stress-free for you.


Prohibited and Restricted items when importing into France

Understanding what you can and can't bring into France can be a real headache. There's a long list of restricted and prohibited items that, if overlooked, could lead to penalties or seizure by customs. Let's make sense of this for your business to avoid any surprises.

Are there any trade agreements between UK and France

As of 2024, there are no new, specific bilateral trade agreements between the UK and France. The trade relationship between the two countries continues to be governed largely by the broader Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) between the UK and the European Union (EU), which came into effect following Brexit. This agreement outlines the rules and regulations for trade between the UK and EU member states, including France, and covers areas such as tariffs, customs procedures, and regulatory alignment.

UK - France trade and economic relationship

In 2024, the UK and France have continued to focus on deepening their economic cooperation. This year, the governments have worked on enhancing cross-border collaboration in areas like security, migration, and infrastructure, particularly with events such as the 2024 Paris Olympics in mind. The UK has offered support to France in terms of security and logistics, building on experience from major events held in the UK, which also reflects the broader cooperation between the two countries.

Brexit continues to pose challenges, particularly in terms of regulatory alignment and trade barriers. However, both nations have been committed to mitigating the impact through bilateral agreements and cooperation frameworks. The political relationship between the two countries, influenced by broader European Union dynamics, also affects their economic interactions, making ongoing diplomatic engagement crucial.

Your Next Step with DocShipper

Struggling to ship between the UK and France? Customs formalities giving you a headache? Partner with DocShipper, your trusted international freight forwarder. We handle everything from transport organization to customs clearance. Focus on your business, leave the complexities to us. Ready to simplify your logistics? Contact us now!


Additional logistics services

Explore our extended logistics services that ensure seamless supply chain management. From warehousing to distribution, we've got your every logistical need covered, making your business journey smoother. Let DocShipper navigate, while you focus on your core business.